Minggu, 29 Oktober 2017

Food and Drink Paradise - Vegan and Vegetarian Recipes Challenge!

"Vegan recipes have no meat!", Marry said loudly.

"Vegetarian recipes have no meat too!", John said.

"Vegan recipes are without eggs!", Mary said.

"I am a vegetarian and I eat eggs. We were told by our doctors to include eggs into our diet!", Joan said.

"Is Vegan food healthier than Vegetarian food?" Mary asked.

"I don't know exactly. What I know is, they are both without meat!", John said.

"I was told by my mum, that we are switching to vegan diet soon. It means that we are eating only vegetables!", Mary said.

"Class stay quiet for a moment! Today, our topic is how to create delicious recipes for both vegan and vegetarian?", Vanessa announced.

In a minute, everybody started to look down at their notes quietly. After 30 minutes, came Judy and June. They said that they have some amazing recipes for both Vegan and Vegetarian.

"Oh, what lovely, I am really proud of two of you!"!" Vanessa said.

"Class, let's see what they have created for us!", Vanessa said.

Spinach Basic

Boiling water
Vegetable oil
Slices of hard-boiled egg (optional)
a. Trim the spinach and wash 3 or 4 times in water, to remove the grit.
b. Cook in boiling water about 20 minutes, removing the scum.
c. When tender, turn into a colander, drain, and press well.
d. Chop fine, put into a saucepan with vegetable oil and salt.
e. Set on the fire and cook till quite dry, stirring it all the time.
f. Turn into a vegetable dish, shape, and garnish with slices of hard-boiled egg.

Note: Do not cover the vessel while cooking.

Yeast Free Bread Recipe

1000g flour
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon sugar
2 heaping teaspoons baking powder
1/2 boiled potatoes
1000 ml water
a. Sift the dry ingredients together thoroughly.
b. Rub in the boiled potato.

c. Add liquid to make a stiff batter or soft dough.
d. Turn into a greased bread pan.
e. Smooth the top with a knife dipped in cooking oil.
f. Bake in a 180°C oven for about 60 minutes.
g. When done, moisten the crust slightly with cold water.
h. Wrap in a clean cloth until cold.
Potato Fruit Candy

250g mashed potatoes
125g chopped candied pineapple
125g chopped preserved cherries
125g chopped nut meats
200g pulverised sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon pineapple extract
1/2 teaspoon almond extract
Soy butter
a. Put the potatoes into a large bowl, and gradually add sugar.
b. When the mixture begins to stiffen, add the pineapple, cherries, nuts, and extracts.
c. Knead in sugar until it is so stiff that no more can be added.
d. Place in a buttered dish and set it in a cool place for 24 hours.
e. Turn out and cut in slices and place in paper case.

Not: The candy may be formed into any shape desired, and varied by the addition of dates or figs, or any flavours or colours preferred.

"What amazing! Shall we give Judy and June a big clap?", Vanessa said.

Now we have Gluten Free, Vegan, Vegetarian, and Yeast Free Recipes!

Food and Drink Paradise club is a wonderful gateway to meet all food lovers over the world.

Kamis, 12 Oktober 2017

Lemon Verbena Lends A Citrus Flavor To Food And Drink

Lemon verbena is a perennial herb, Aloysia citrodora, synonymous with Lippia citrodora and Aloysia triphylla, a member of the verbena family, Verbenaceae. It grows as a deciduous flowering shrub that is native to South America.

Although classified as a shrub lemon verbena's stature is more tree-like, reaching ten to twenty feet tall, especially in locations with full sun. If it's desired to keep this herb as a smaller shrub, regular pruning will be necessary. Propagation is most successful via cuttings.

Lemon verbena is used in cooking and baking to flavor foods and beverages. It's the most lemony of all the citrus-scented herbs and it's best used fresh. The leaves lose flavor and aroma upon drying, but the dried leaves are used in making herbal teas and in cooking.

Lemon verbena imparts a sweet lemony flavor without being too tart. It mixes nicely with tart berries, apples, pears and apricots, for example. Meats can also be enhanced with the crisp lemony taste. Fresh leaves can be placed on top of pork, fish or chicken, that is then covered and baked. The citrus flavor will be infused into the meat by the steam of cooking. This herb is used to flavor sweets like puddings, jams and sorbet.

Regularly using this herb for cooking may be a tasty and healthy way to cook. It brings out the sweetness of fruit without adding refined sugar. Instead of sprinkling sugar on strawberries, mix the berries with a few chopped leaves. Lemon verbena tea can substitute for water in dessert recipes to add flavor without adding extra sugar or fat. Fresh leaves make aromatic garnishes for fruit drinks, especially champagne cocktails and lemonade.

The lemon or citrus scent is very fresh so it's used to make soaps, perfumes and potpourri. Dried leaves will freshen linens in sachets or fresh leaves can be placed among the sheets in a linen closet. The essential oils, 0.5%, contain citral in the largest proportion. Some component acts as an insect repellent as the plant does repel flies, midges and other insects.

An herbal tea from lemon verbena is said to be calming. It is used to relieve anxiety and settle nervous stomachs. Other digestive upsets may be relieved with the tea such as excess gas, indigestion and acidity. It's been used to combat fevers, depression, headaches and heart palpitations. To make tea steep one tablespoon fresh leaves or one teaspoon dried leaves in a cup of near boiling water for five minutes or more. Keep the cup covered to retain the aroma and serve either hot or chilled.